Sunday 13 August 2023

Unveiling Liver Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies

In Singapore, liver cancer is the fourth most common cancer. In fact, there were 2,800 cases and 2,200 deaths from the disease in 2020.

Like other cancers, liver cancer is easier to treat in its early stages. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of the disease for an extended period of time.

Read more about cancer liver cancer risk factors and prevention strategies in this article!

Tuesday 8 August 2023

Embracing Lifelong Wellness After Breast Cancer Treatment

In Singapore, there are 2,000 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year, and about 400 women die from breast cancer each year. In this video episode, you will learn how to navigate your life after breast cancer treatment.

Breast cancer is more curable when it is diagnosed in its early stages, so it is crucial to spot its early signs and symptoms. You can read more about breast cancer symptoms and treatment, such as breast cancer surgery, here.

Must-Have Nutrients After Your Sleeve Gastrectomy

 If you have just undergone a sleeve gastrectomy, your doctor or healthcare team must provide you with post-surgery care tips and everything...