Thursday 13 June 2024

Must-Have Nutrients After Your Sleeve Gastrectomy

 If you have just undergone a sleeve gastrectomy, your doctor or healthcare team must provide you with post-surgery care tips and everything you might need to know after your surgery.

If you still want to learn about maintaining good nutrition after your sleeve gastrectomy, then this video is for you. You can also find some important information regarding sleeve gastrectomy on this page, including frequently asked questions:

You can also check this information on Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Surgery:

Wednesday 12 June 2024

How to Boost Your Appetite During Liver Cancer Treatment

Cancer is one of the scariest diseases to be diagnosed with. Not only because it is deadly when caught late, but also due to the side effects of the medication used to kill the cancer cells, such as pain, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting, among many others.

One of the problems that cancer patients may face during their treatment journey is loss of appetite, leading to malnutrition and weight loss. This can make liver cancer treatment even harder. Read more about liver cancer on this page:

You might also be interested in reading this article about life after liver cancer treatment:

Tuesday 11 June 2024

How to Take Care of a Loved One With Colon Cancer


 Colon cancer can be a long and challenging journey, depending on the complexity of the patient's case. If you are the personal caregiver for your loved ones, you play a vital role in supporting colorectal cancer patients. You have the responsibility to oversee various aspects of their care, such as communicating with the healthcare team, preparing healthy foods, and much more.  To understand more about the disease, don’t hesitate to ask the healthcare team or read about colon cancer treatment in Singapore from a reputable source. 

 You can also read this article about the top 10 myths about colorectal cancer:

Must-Have Nutrients After Your Sleeve Gastrectomy

 If you have just undergone a sleeve gastrectomy, your doctor or healthcare team must provide you with post-surgery care tips and everything...